Chemistry II - Matter Review



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Instructional Materials

The learning resources for this unit are organized in one place on this page.  Here you can find guidelines to make up missed work (or to work ahead), a description of upcoming assessments, powerpoints used in class, etc.


Quick Links

Unit Resource Folder - Rubrics and Answers to Assignments

Mr. Young's Scientific Skill Toolbox

Chemistry II Haiku Page



Support for Learning 


1 - Matter is made up of particles



2 - Particles are in constant motion



3 - There are forces between the particles

From BBC Bitesize - Great online reviews of

Structure and Bonding in General

Ionic Bonding

Metals and Metallic Bonding

Covalent Bonding

Intermolecular Forces


Resources used in class


Ionic Bonding

Ionic bonding is an electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions.  DO NOT confuse ionic bonding with ion formation.




Ion formation occurs when a neutral atom gains or loses electrons.  Non-metals have high electron affinities and attract electrons to achieve stable outer shells.  Metals have low electron affinities and lose electrons to achieve stable outer shells.


The electron(s) lost by the metal have to go somewhere -- like to a non-metal element to form a negative ion. 


Metallic bonding


Occurs in metallic elements and alloys.  The outer shell electrons of the atoms are not held tightly so are free to move.




The metal atom itself is really a positive ion  "floating" in a "sea" of free electrons.

The attractions between positive and negative hold the ions together.  Many physical properties of metals result from this type of bonding.


Covalent bonding

Covalent bonds are all about "shared pairs".  A pair of electrons is shared between two atoms to form the bond (the nuclei of both atoms are both pulling on the shared pair which holds them together).  


If the sharing is unequal, the covalent bond is said to be polar. This means one atom has a stronger pull on the electron pull than the other.